A Digital Memory Book App for Every Family

Is it just us, or do most memory books fall short for a lot of families? Traditional memory books can have some limitations that are challenging for any family who doesn't include a mom, a dad, and a biological child. Many include family trees or writing prompts that assume your family looks a certain way. 

What if you could create a digital memory book that's perfectly tailored to your family exactly as it is? Enter the Baby Notebook app. This incredibly flexible digital memory book app allows you to preserve all the unique details of your family's story in a beautiful book that you'll adore.

Two moms model beside a crib for a photo for their digital memory book.

The Baby Notebook App: Flexible Enough for Every Family

The goal of this digital memory book app is to create a modern, minimalist keepsake that busy parents can actually finish. Reminders help you build one-of-a-kind books with photos and text in just a few minutes a week over the course of a year. Gathering all your scrapbooking supplies in rare quiet moments just can't compare to the ease of uploading images to the app while you're feeding your baby or waiting in line at the grocery store.

To get the most out of Baby Notebook, you'll want to be a Premium Subscriber. At $49.99/year, subscription benefits include:

  • 7 days FREE for 1st-time subscribers
  • Advanced photo editor & filters
  • Replace page layouts & rearrange pages
  • Full access to books: Baby & Toddler
  • Create books for multiple children
  • Weekly prompts & reminders
  • Personalized notification settings
  • Hide pages, edit titles & choose prompts
  • 40% discount on printing books

All of these features make Baby Notebook an easy and enjoyable app for families who want to tell their kids' stories creatively despite being short on time.

This mama perfectly describes what a fun experience it can be to create a custom baby book through Baby Notebook. After she received her book, she said, “This app and printing service took away all the stress of putting together a scrapbook of memories. I love how customizable it is and all the prompts to help make the book flow so well. When my book arrived, I can not express how much happiness I felt!”

A Few Favorite Features

Baby Notebook is a digital memory book app that is highly editable for Premium subscribers. A few things you can do include:

  • Edit titles
  • Choose prompts (or free write)
  • Replace pages
  • Rearrange pages
  • Add pages
  • Hide pages

All of these options mean you won't be left with awkward blank pages that aren't relevant to your family. You can gift your child their story told with care and intention - and convenience for you. Here are a few of our favorite features for adoptive, LGBTQIA+, and single parent families.

For Adoptive Families

Some of Baby Notebook's features make it a great fit for adoptive families. Here are a few ideas for how Premium subscribers can customize their books with our digital memory book app.

  • Replace pregnancy pages with photos and text pages where you can tell your adoption story.
  • For toddler adoption, you can use our toddler book. Replace pages as needed to tell your adoption story there.
  • You can add pages and edit page titles for the milestones you want to focus on. Create a “Family Day” page to commemorate the first anniversary of adopting your little one.

For LGBTQIA+ Families

When you're not in a cishet relationship, it's really important to have a memory book that reflects who you are from the start. Here are a few ways to use our digital memory book app to tailor your book to your unique family.

  • Add or replace pages at the beginning to tell the story of your fertility journey.
  • Create your family tree with your chosen family instead of your family of origin if that works better for you.

For Single Parent Families

Start with the family tree. Baby Notebook allows you to replace the traditional two-parent family tree with a single-parent family tree. This is surprisingly easy partly because Baby Notebook uses a rainbow shape to chart your family. You can chart your baby's single-parent family all the way out to great-grandparents in four concentric rainbow stripes. 

Your child deserves to have their story lovingly told. Download Baby Notebook and start building a memory book perfectly tailored to your family. Get the app here! 


*Thank you to Chloe Millar for use of this beautiful photo!