A Stunning Alternative to Making a Baby Keepsake Box
Do you love the idea of a baby keepsake box? Lifting the lid to sift through ultrasound images and hospital bracelets tugs at your heartstrings. But maybe you don't love the idea of a lot of “stuff” hanging around your house. It's hard to picture how this box of stuff fits into your well-curated home. […]
Qeepsake vs. The Short Years vs. Baby Notebook: Pick Your Perfect Memory Book App
Most people think of a baby book as a handwritten scrapbook, but Baby Book apps are much more convenient in today’s digital world. What can sound like a fun scrapbooking project before your baby is born can become overwhelming. Who has time to print, cut, and paste photos, let alone scroll through your phone's endless […]
Beautiful Classic Baby Names for Your Little One
Classic baby names are experiencing a comeback, and we couldn't be happier about it. At Baby Notebook, we create custom baby books with a timeless aesthetic. Recently, we asked our Instagram audience to share their Grandmother's name to inspire a generation of little girls with beautiful, timeless names. We loved them so much that we […]
7 Sweet Ideas for Your Newborn's Month by Month Pictures
Your social media feed is full of them – adorable newborn month by month pictures. Babies smile up from beautiful blankets or wave number balloons at the camera. Maybe it's something you want to do for your baby, but you feel too drained to figure it out. Baby Notebook has you covered. In this blog […]
What to Write in a Book for a Newborn You Love
Becoming a parent is a journey. Like a road trip, it can be full of twists, turns, and amazing moments you never want to forget. As exciting as it can be, it doesn't leave you much bandwidth to figure out what to write in a book for a newborn. Baby Notebook is here to help. […]
8 Precious 1st Birthday Picture Ideas You Can DIY
Your baby's first birthday is almost here! You're probably swinging on a pendulum between “It's been a year already?” and “Ah, am I supposed to plan a party?!” Taking your baby's milestone photo is one thing that doesn't have to be complicated. We've rounded up eight precious 1st birthday picture ideas that you can DIY. […]
How to Complete Your Custom Baby Book with Erin Nti-Addae
If you're like some parents, you started your child's first year with big ambitions to create a gorgeous baby book. And now… a half-finished book is hiding in a drawer. Not every parent's first year with a baby is conducive to finishing a book on the timeline they expected. You aren't alone – or a […]
Beautiful Pregnancy Cards that Track All Your Milestones
“I wish I took more bump photos.” We often hear this from mamas. At Baby Notebook, we have a solution to motivate you to snap your pics and a way for you to remember to actually do it! We created beautiful pregnancy cards that pair perfectly with our memory book creation app. In this post, […]
Your Newborn Photoshoot Guide with Photographer Meredith McKee
It's cliché but true: Your baby grows so fast in their first weeks. By the time they're a month old, they'll look like a whole new person. That's what makes newborn photos so special. They preserve that moment for you to relive no matter how big your child gets. Prepping for a newborn photoshoot can […]
A Fun and Easy Way to Craft Your Family Yearbook
We know what's keeping you from creating a family yearbook. It's the idea of combing through the thousands of photos on your phone. Unfortunately, that's the overwhelming reality of this digital age. *But* you would love to have a series of family albums like your parents have of you as a child. What if there […]