A Fun and Easy Way to Craft Your Family Yearbook

We know what's keeping you from creating a family yearbook. It's the idea of combing through the thousands of photos on your phone. Unfortunately, that's the overwhelming reality of this digital age. *But* you would love to have a series of family albums like your parents have of you as a child. What if there was an easier way? The Baby Notebook app's Family Yearbook is the only family memory book that prompts you to tell your story week by week with relevant writing prompts and timely reminders as the year goes by. Read on to find out exactly how the Baby Notebook app can help you preserve the year's highlights without getting lost in the logistics that come with traditional photo books. 

A family sits on a couch holding up their family yearbook.

Why Create a Family Yearbook

If you've ever sat down with a family photo album, you know the intense nostalgia that comes with flipping through one. Seeing those soft images can bring everything back so vividly – the special dessert your grandmother made on holidays, the way your sister's nose scrunched when she laughed, the ridiculous fashion trends you HAD to be part of in high school. 

With all of our photos on our phones, our children won't have those physical photo albums to look back on unless you intentionally create a family yearbook. A family yearbook is more than just a photo album. Baby Notebook's even lets you add artwork and funny things your kids say. It's a way to bottle up your child's personality and preserve that year with a combination of quotes, artwork, stories, and pictures. 

All of these details add up to a legacy. By creating your yearbook, you're giving your family a keepsake that they can cherish for generations. Our kids can't show their future families our camera rolls. They can share an intentionally crafted memory book.

Two parents sit with two children looking through a family yearbook.

How to Craft Your Family Yearbook with Ease with the Baby Notebook App

If you've tried to create a photo book on one of those photo book websites, you know the time-consuming process— culling through photos, no prompts, cheesy designs, formatting that takes forever, subpar quality, and a price you don't know until you're done. Not many of us have the capacity for this time-consuming process on top of running a family. That's why we recommend the convenience of creating a family yearbook on your phone using the Baby Notebook app! Baby Notebook can simplify your photo book process in ways you might not realize. Using the Baby Notebook app has so many advantages over a traditional photo album. See a comparison of each in this blog post.

The Family Yearbook is a relatively new addition to the Baby Notebook app's collection of memory books, including baby books and toddler memory books. Our goal in designing the app was to make it as easy and fun as possible to preserve your family's memories in a beautiful, modern printed book. When you subscribe to our app, you get guidance for a full year to help you complete your family yearbook. Here's a look at how Baby Notebook makes creating your book fun and simple.

A mother and child look through a photo album created on the Baby Notebook app.

Creative Prompts

Your average photo album has spaces for photos, a few titles, a short caption, and… not much else. The Baby Notebook app supports you in preserving your family's story in words, not just images. You might be thinking, Ugh, I'm not a writer. That's ok! The app is flexible enough for you to choose if you want to write or not. Plus, we've designed lots of creative prompts to help you pick the highlights that you'll want to include. 

Here are two examples of prompts from our family yearbook:

What's something your child said this week that made you laugh? (You can add the answer to this one on one of the Quotes Pages. We're big fans of adding quotes that show your child's personality. Learn more about how you can use our quotes pages here. The quote pages in our family yearbook are some of my kids favorite pages. They love to read the funny things they've said.) 

Summer Traditions ✨ Whether it's an annual camping trip or a beach getaway, share a photo representing your family's unique summer tradition. Write about why this tradition is so important to you. Or write a caption for the photo.

If you choose to write in your family yearbook in the moment as you receive those weekly notifications, you'll be so glad you did. I, Davia here, find myself journaling in the app and telling stories with more feeling and emotion, rather than relaying factual events by memory. But if you're really not a writer, you can always replace ‘photo + text' pages with ‘photos only' pages or leave the text box empty, and it will print blank with no text placeholder lines.

In addition, we don't just prompt you to write down silly quotes and memories. If you're not already in the habit of picking up your phone and snapping a photo, we offer prompts for photo ideas too. 

Here are two that you'll receive in summer time.

Reminder! 📷Upload a photo of your child this week. Photo prompt: Watermelon or ice cream!

Reminder! 📷Upload a photo of your child this week. Photo prompt: Bubbles or sprinklers!

A parent points to a picture in a family yearbook created in a keepsake app.

Helpful Notifications

Our weekly notifications are the BEST and most convenient part of Baby Notebook's family yearbook. We're busy parents, too, so we know that all the great prompts in the world won't matter if you don't sit down to answer them. The Baby Notebook app includes notifications designed to help remind you to update your family yearbook regularly. Our app will be there with you weekly, gently guiding you so you can press print and hold your family's memories by the end of the year.

The notifications correspond with the season. They even include activity ideas for time with your children. Our Valentine's Day notification is a great example. At the end of January, you'll get this notification:

Made with Love! 💘 Channel your inner artist and create a one-of-a-kind Valentine's Day card with your child. Upload a photo of your creation, and write a heartfelt message to your loved ones.

Not crafty? That's OK. Upload a recent photo from your camera roll and write a caption instead.

A family looks through a photo album that includes pictures of children's artwork.

Options for Customization

The Baby Notebook app has other photo books beat in the fact that it's already pre-formatted in a beautiful, timeless design with the flexibility to…

  • Easily shuffle photos around on a page with the tap of a button
  • Replace, hide, add, or rearrane pages
  • Receive guided writing prompts

This high level of flexibility makes the Baby Notebook app a great fit for any family. 

Preview the Family Yearbook

Check out the preview of Baby Notebook's Family Yearbook below!

Download Baby Notebook and start preserving your family's memories today!


Thank you to Sara Welch Photography for these beautiful images of Baby Notebook's family yearbook.